Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Vacationing In Vancouver

Man, I cannot believe how fast this trip is going!! The weather in Edmonton has been all over the shop, my last day there saw the mercury hit the low twenties (not that I'm complaining). I was really expecting the weather to be much cooler, with snowfall in Alberta - but it has just been gorgeous across the entire country.

Photo on the left is Jasper Avenue, Edmonton's main street.

So after spending a few awesome days in Edmonton, yesterday I flew out bound for Vancouver. Weather in Vancouver is gorgeous - which is great, especially as it tends to rain for about 300 days a year here!! Made the most of the sunshine by lazing around in Stanley Park with an ice cold beer. Very nice! Photo on the left is at the Seawall in Stanley Park looking toward the Lions Gate Bridge and north shore.

Got this photo taken for me by this really sweet girl while we were waiting for the ferry back downtown. It was taken at dusk and I think it's neat how the clouds are low over the skyline.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention the library scandal here in Vancouver. It seems the library staff have been on strike for the past twelve weeks. That's right - not public library service at all in the city for the past THREE MONTHS!! Not sure of the exact details, except that it appears to have been resolved and the libraries will be opening again at the end of this week. That is one after hours chute that I would NOT want to have to clear!!!

Photo on the left is the central branch of Vancouver Public Library
This will probably be my last Canadian adventures post for this trip as I fly back into Melbourne this Friday.


Phill said...

I've always been of the opinion that the best way to run a library is to lock out the borrowers.

PS. I'm loving the alliteration in the post titles.

Trev said...

Thanks Phill - I was wondering if anyone was noticing - and Edmonton was a hard one to do. I was originally trying to stay with the e;lectronic them like "Online In Ottawa", but that got a bit hard!!

Trev ;o)

LibraryDoggies said...

And are they charging for overdue fines?
BTW - great skyline. The city looks great and the scenes around. Why aren't I there - and don't mention hernias!