Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Twelfth Post

Okay, so now I've completed Exercise 12 and created my own Rollyo search. I spent ages fighting with this as I really wanted to create a search that would be useful for my job, where I could search our library catalogue, as well as other sites such Amazon and Fantastic Fiction. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to create a search that actually searches our catalogue and not our website. Must ask Freeloading Phill if it's even possible??? Anyway, for the moment I have a Rollyo search that runs through a few bibliographic resources (this must be so boring for anyone out there who's stumbled across this and isn't a librarian!!) The Rollyo search will be useful though when I'm trying to locate items...


Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Trevor, you are just too good, me I want to go & jump off the Red Bluff Cliff, I decided to so some of this on my day Off BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Phill said...

Fat chance I'll have any idea how to do it... although you can probably just link directly to the catalogue URL without the framework of our site... hmmm, I'll get back to you in 5 weeks when I'm up to that one.